Every BODY can do YOGA
Bridge Pose to Supported ShoulderStand - Step by step
1. Bridge Pose - check where your body is in this pose

Keep the legs hip width apart
Roll the shoulders underneath the body
Lift the pelvis
Keep the chin close to the chest
Look towards the heart center
Breath smoothly
Check your flexibility
Check if the pose is difficult to hold for a minute or so
If the pose is difficult for you, try the variations shown below.
2. Bridge Pose - with 1 or 2 foam pad(s)

This is a great way to begin if the body is stiff or overweight
Place one or two foam pads underneath the sacrum for support.
Keep the arms straight
Roll the shoulders underneath the body
Stay here for 1-2 minutes
Breath smoothly
3. Bridge Pose - with one block

Place a yoga block under the sacrum for support
Stay in the pose for 1-2 minutes or until your capacity
Then build on it by staying in the pose longer
This will build flexibility and stamina in your body
4. Bridge Pose - with two blocks

With more flexibility, now place two yoga blocks underneath the sacrum
Stay in the pose for 1-2 minutes
Work on building your stamina in the pose
5. Improved Bridge Pose - note that the pelvis is higher than shown in #1 picture

Interlock the finger underneath your body.
If the fingers do not reach, then use a strap and hold it with your hands.
Keep the shoulders rolled in
While it is good to reach to the full bridge pose (as shown in the next picture (#6) ), you are ready to do the Supported Shoulderstand at the wall.
6. Full Bridge Pose

Release the interlock of the fingers, bend your elbows and place the palms (fingers pointing away) underneath your lower back or kidneys.
Voila!! You have achieved the Bridge pose.
Stay in the pose for about 1-2 minutes with smooth breaths.
7. Rest after the Pose

Resting is important after bridge pose to feel the effects of the pose
Let the lower back and torso rest on the floor
Keep the knees knocked together and feet apart
Place the fingertips on the belly
Relax and feel the breath
You worked on first half of the journey - So High-Five :)
Let's move to the next step
1. Supported ShoulderStand at the wall

Place 3 firm blankets underneath the shoulders
Lie on the blanket such that C7 of the cervical spine is on the blanket. This is important for neck safety.
Head on the mat, shoulders on the blanket
Lift your legs and place the feet on the wall. Keep the feet hip width apart
Roll the shoulders underneath the body and interlock the fingers
Keep the chin close to the chest
Look toward the heart center
Caution - Do not move the head while in the pose
2. Supported ShoulderStand with elbows bent

Release the interlock of the fingers from the pose above.
Bend the elbows and place the hands on the back as far as you can go toward the upper shoulder
Stay in the pose - the longer you stay, more benefits you get
Keep the throat relaxed
Breath smoothly
3. Rest after Supported ShoulderStand

Slide back to let the shoulders rest on the mat
Legs relaxed with the support of the wall
Arms overhead to relax
Rest in this pose for about 1 minute
Once you are comfortable in the Supported ShoulderStand, then start working on balance in the Pose
Supported ShoulderStand with one leg straight and another supported

Sarvangasana - ShoulderStand Full pose